The initial activities begin on August 28th and the final day will be on September 6th.
Veja a agenda completa:
full schedule:,com_extcalendar/Itemid,26/extmode,week/date,2008-08-24/
Karol Castillo - Miss Peru
Premios de Miss Continente Americano:
Coroa no valor de $USD 18.000,00 para a ganhadora
Crown ($USD 18.000,00) for the winner
$USD 2.500,00 para a Primera finalista/1st runner-up e
$USD 1.500,00 para Segunda finalista/2nd runner-up
Tour para as Ilhas Galápagos para a vencedora, as duas finalistas e a Miss Fotogenia no Finch Bay Hotel.
Lista Completa:
complete list:
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